Working from home and your health
Australians are spending more time at home than ever before. With information and support, you can manage much of your health and mental wellbeing at home.

Mental health: where to get help
Learn how to navigate the Australian mental health system — including free services, helplines and other resources.

Improve your posture
Good posture is important. Here are some tips and exercises to follow so you can improve your posture both in the workplace and at home.

Work-life balance
Poor work-life balance can lead to stress and negative health outcomes. Here's how to succeed at work but leave time for yourself and your family.

Improve your sleep
Learn about the stages of sleep, develop healthy habits and get more tips on sleeping well — including for shift workers.

Healthy eating
Get healthy eating tips and advice, such as good foods swaps, and how to follow a balanced diet and reduce your sugar intake.

Fitness and exercise
Physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Check out these tips for starting yoga, running, swimming and more.

Aches and pains
Pain is a part of life, but it shouldn't stop you from living. Learn about the types of pain and pain relief.

Winter health hazards at home
Keeping warm indoors means watching out for heaters and other things that can cause burns and scalds. These simple tips should help to keep you safe.

Hot weather risks and staying cool
Hot days and heatwaves can place extreme stress the body, and for some it can be dangerous. Here’s how to keep yourself and others cool and hydrated.

Medicines information
Learn more about a range of medicines, such as pain relief medicines, antidepressants and medicines for children.

Symptom Checker
Not feeling well? Use the healthdirect Symptom Checker to better understand your symptoms and get advice on when to seek medical attention.

Find a health service
The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospital and other health services wherever you are located.