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7-minute read

Key facts

  • Red blood cells and haemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that makes them red, are important because they carry oxygen from the lungs around the body.
  • Anaemia is when you don’t have enough red blood cells or haemoglobin.
  • There are many different causes of anaemia.
  • The most common type of anaemia is iron-deficiency anaemia, which is usually caused by not eating or absorbing enough iron, or by losing blood.
  • It’s important to treat the cause of anaemia so it doesn’t recur.

What is anaemia?

Anaemia is when you don’t have enough red blood cells or haemoglobin. Red blood cells and haemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that makes them red, are important because they carry oxygen from the lungs around the body. It’s important to find and treat the cause of the anaemia to prevent it coming back, as well as the anaemia itself.

What are the symptoms of anaemia?

If you have anaemia, you may experience a range of symptoms, including:

You may also look pale and have cold feet or hands.

Depending on the underlying cause of your anaemia, you may have other symptoms too.

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What are the different types of anaemia?

There are a few different types of anaemia including:

Many different medical conditions can cause each of these types of anaemia, including:

What causes iron-deficiency anaemia?

Anaemia is most commonly caused by iron deficiency, which can develop for several reasons:

Other types of anaemia have other causes, which vary widely.

When should I see my doctor?

It’s important to see your doctor if you have any of the symptoms of anaemia or are worried about your iron levels.

Anaemia can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. Your doctor is the best person to assess you and refer you for the right investigations to identify the cause of your anaemia, so it can be treated effectively.

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How is anaemia diagnosed?

A blood test called a full blood count is used to look at the amount of haemoglobin in your blood. If this is lower than it should be for your age and sex, you may have anaemia.

Your doctor may also refer you for a blood test to check your iron levels, or other vitamin levels, to help identify the cause of the anaemia.

A blood film, where a pathologist looks at the size and shape of your red blood cells, can also help determine the underlying cause of your anaemia.

If you have anaemia, your doctor will talk to you and examine you to work out how severe the anaemia is, and what the cause could be. You might be asked to have more tests, depending on what your doctor has learnt from talking to you and examining you.

How is anaemia treated?

It is important to identify the cause of anaemia to be able to treat it effectively. This is usually done in 2 stages:

How is anaemia prevented?

Not all types of anaemia are preventable.

You can reduce your chances of getting some types of anaemia by:

You should only take iron supplements if they are recommended by your doctor, as they can have side effects.

Resources and support

Dieticians Australia offers advice on iron levels, sources of dietary iron and eating to increase iron absorption.

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