End of life health

Coping with learning you have a terminal illness
This article provides advice on what to do if you need to talk to someone about your bad news, condition or how you are feeling.

Grief and loss
Grief is a response to losing someone or something important. Find out about grief, how it affects different people, and when and where to get help.

Grief before death – understanding anticipatory grief
Find out how to cope with the news that someone you care for has a terminal illness.

Organ and tissue donation
Organ and tissue donation can help save lives. It’s important to consider whether you want to become a donor — here's a list of questions to ask.

Palliative care
Palliative care helps to improve the quality of life of people who have a life-limiting illness. Read about the range of services available.

Preparing for a death at home
Many people prefer to die at home. If you are caring for someone with a terminal condition, this article can help you know what to expect.

The process of dying
The process of dying differs between people. Find out what can happen in the weeks, days and hours before death, and after someone has died.