Caring for others
At some point during our lives, we will most likely need some type of care or support and many of us will become carers.
Carers are everyday people who provide unpaid and ongoing care and support to someone they know who has a disability, mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, end-of-life-health or who is frail.
Support for carers
Carer Gateway is a national online and phone service that provides practical support and information for carers.
Carers Australia and the Network of Carer Associations can also provide information on counselling, support groups and ways to connect with other carers:

Aged care services
As you get older you may need help managing everyday activities. Find out if you are eligible for aged care services, or respite services for carers.

Caring for someone with cancer
If you care for someone with cancer, here is some useful information and resources on carer roles and emotional and financial support for you.

Disability services and the NDIS
Read about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which provides government funded disability services to people living with disability.

Drugs and alcohol - how to help someone
Supporting somebody who's struggling with drug or alcohol misuse is not easy, but help is available.

Elder abuse
Elder abuse is when an older person is harmed by a trusted person or a family member. Learn about the types of harm and how you can report abuse.

Palliative care
Palliative care helps to improve the quality of life of people who have a life-limiting illness. Read about the range of services available.

Residential aged care
Find information and resources here on residential aged care services that provide accommodation and support for people who can no longer live at home...

Respite care
Caring for someone can be physically and emotionally exhausting, but regular breaks can help relieve stress. Find out about respite care here.

Supporting carers of people with dementia
Caring for someone with dementia can be hard and stressful at times, but there are organisations that can help with training and support.

Supporting someone with a mental illness
Caring for someone with a mental illness can be hard. Learn more about looking after yourself and accessing support while supporting another person.

What is Medicare?
Medicare is a national insurance scheme that provides free or subsidised healthcare for Australians Learn more about how it works and who's eligible.