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6-minute read

Key facts

  • Blisters are small, fluid-filled bubbles that form just underneath the skin.
  • Most blisters do not need treatment and will heal naturally.
  • Friction (rubbing), insect bites, burns and some diseases and infection can cause blisters.
  • See your doctor if you think you have an infected blister, as you may need treatment.
  • You can’t always prevent blisters, but you can reduce the chance of friction blisters on your feet by wearing comfortable, well-fitted shoes.

What is a blister?

A blister is a small bubble of fluid, often clear, under the top layer of skin. It forms when friction (rubbing) repeatedly stretches the skin, creating a tear between skin layers, which fills with fluid. A hard knock that damages blood vessels can cause a blood blister, which is simply a blister filled with blood.

What are symptoms of a blister?

Symptoms of blisters are:

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What causes blisters?

Blisters are commonly caused by friction or pressure, such as when wearing new shoes that rub your heel.

Blisters can also be caused by injuries or damage from:

Some diseases and infections can also cause blisters, including:

Depending on their cause, blisters can occur on the feet, hands, lips, mouth, torso (chest and back) or genital areas.

How are blisters treated?

Serious blisters, and those caused by disease or infection, should only be treated by a doctor. You might need antibiotics or other medicines to treat the underlying condition.

A minor blister should heal in a week or two. If possible, cover and protect it and leave it alone to heal. The covering skin helps protect the blister from infection.

Self-care for blisters

If you think the blister might burst, cover it with a loose bandage. Cut a padded dressing into a doughnut shape (with a hole in the middle) and place it around the blister. Then, cover the blister and padding with a bandage. If wearing shoes or clothes places pressure on the blister, avoid wearing them.

If a blister has burst, wash and clean it. Leave the roof of the blister on and cover it with a plaster or bandage. A blister that has lost its roof completely can be covered with a special blister plaster. A pharmacist can advise you about this.

Don’t use home remedies such as green tea or vinegar because they are not effective.

You might decide to puncture a blister to drain the fluid if it is large and painful but take care to avoid infection. It’s best to check with a pharmacist first.

To drain a blister:

  1. Wash your hands and the blister thoroughly.
  2. Sterilise a clean needle with rubbing alcohol.
  3. Pierce the edge of the blister and let the fluid drain out.
  4. Cover with a clean non-adhesive dressing or bandage.
  5. See your doctor if irritation, redness, warmth or pain increases.

When should I see my doctor?

You should seek help from your GP or dermatologist if:

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Can blisters be prevented?

Blisters unfortunately can’t always be prevented, especially if they are caused by a disease or infection. However, there are some tips to prevent friction blisters:

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