A microdochectomy or total duct excision involves removing a milk duct (or disc of milk ducts) from your breast. The procedure will stop a continued nipple discharge and help find out what is causing the discharge.
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Breast checks to detect breast cancer
Your risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Here’s how to recognise symptoms and detect it early.
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What you should know about breast cancer in young women
This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of breast cancer — particularly if you're too young for routine mammograms.
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Excision biopsy of a breast lump
An excision biopsy involves removing a lump from your breast. It can help prevent an unsightly appearance and find out what is causing the lump. If the lump is causing you pain, you may get relief from the pain.
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Male mastectomy
Surgery gives the best chance of you being free of early breast cancer. A mastectomy involves removing all your breast tissue. It usually involves removing some or most of the lymph nodes in your armpit, which helps your healthcare team to decide on any further treatment.
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Wide local excision
A wide local excision involves removing the cancer with a rim of breast tissue around the cancer. It usually involves removing some of the lymph nodes in your armpit.
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Breast cancer
Breast cancer often shows as a lump in the breast tissue, although most breast lumps are not cancerous. If found early, full recovery is more likely.
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Body piercing
Deciding to get body piercing or a tattoo is a personal decision. Read on for things to consider, and tips to help keep you healthy and safe.
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Imaging-assisted wide local excision
A wide local excision involves removing the cancer with a rim of breast tissue around the cancer. It usually involves removing some of the lymph nodes in your armpit.
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Mastectomy — breast cancer treatment or prevention
A mastectomy is an operation to remove your breast, usually to treat breast cancer. Learn how to prepare and what to expect if you need this surgery.
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