Quit is a program of Cancer Council Victoria, funded by Cancer Council Victoria, VicHealth, the Victorian Department of Health and the Australian Government’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch.
Vision and mission
Quit believes freedom from the negative impacts of smoking and vaping will transform our society for the better. Quit’s mission is to reduce the health, financial, environmental, and social harms caused by smoking tobacco, to prevent vaping-related harm and to help people break free from addiction to nicotine.
How Quit can help
Quit has a range of free services, tools and information to help people who smoke to quit, including the tailored telephone counselling service Quitline. You can access Quit’s resources via the Quit website, Quit.
Research shows the best way to quit is with a combination of tailored counselling from a service like Quitline (13 7848) and nicotine medication such as the nicotine patch and gum or prescribed stop smoking tablets.
Information / help line
- Call the Quitline (13 7848) Mon to Fri, 8am to 8pm. You can also request a call back online.
Quitline counsellors help you build and sustain your motivation to quit and help you build a stop smoking plan that suits you. You can call Quitline with a quick question but a typical first call takes around 10–20 minutes. The first call often covers your smoking history, your motivation to quit and how smoking fits into your life.
Quitline is a welcoming, confidential and free telephone counselling service that offers advice and information to help anyone thinking about quitting smoking. Using the Quitline has been shown to double the chance you'll succeed at quitting.
Quitline is an inclusive and culturally safe space for all, including the LGBTIQA+ community.
Quitline also offers Aboriginal Quitline for people identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. To access Aboriginal Quitline, call 13 7848 and ask to speak with an Aboriginal Quitline counsellor.
Quitline uses the National Translation and Interpreter Service available for people who speak a language other than English.
They have information in Arabic, Mandarin and Simplified Chinese and, Vietnamese, and a Quitline counsellor can speak with you in these languages through an interpreter service.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call the National Relay Service to access the Quitline.
TTY users phone 13 3677 and ask for 13 7848.
Programs, apps and tools
- Your Quit Plan online tool that guides you through a step-by-step approach to building your quit plan
- Quitting Tips and Tactics see tips and tactics to help you through cravings
- QuitMail Quit’s over 12 weeks, receive regular emails tracking your financial and health gains
- QuitTxt Quit’s free SMS service designed to help you prepare to quit, maintain your motivation and help you stay on track after you quit
- Quitline callback complete the online form to request a call back from a Quitline counsellor