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Methotrexate (Accord) TM
You should seek medical advice in relation to medicines and use only as directed by a healthcare professional. Always read the label. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
Active ingredients: methotrexate
Brand name
: METHOTREXATE ACCORD methotrexate 1000mg/10mL injection vialDownload the Consumer Medicine Information Leaflet
Download consumer medicine information leaflet (pdf) from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website
What this medicine is used for
Antineoplastic chemotherapy - Methotrexate has a broad spectrum of antineoplastic activity. It is indicated for the treatment of breast cancer, gestational choriocarcinoma, and in patients with chorioadenoma destruens and hydatidiform mole. Methotrexate may be used in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents for the palliative treatment of acute leukaemias, particularly acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. It may also be used in the treatment of Burkitt's lymphoma, advanced stages (III and IV, Peters' Staging System) of lymphosarcoma, especially in children, and in advanced cases of mycosis fungoides. High dose therapy - In high-dose schedules, methotrexate may be effective alone or in combination therapy, in the treatment of epidermoid cancers of the head and neck, osteogenic sarcoma and bronchogenic carcinoma. Calcium folinate (leucovorin calcium) must be used in conjunction with high dose methotrexate therapy. Psoriasis chemotherapy (see WARNING box) - Methotrexate may be of value in the symptomatic control of severe, recalcitrant, disabling psoriasis which is not adequately responsive to other forms of treatment. However, due to the high risk associated with its use, methotrexate should be used after the diagnosis has been definitely established, as by biopsy and/or after dermatologic consultation.
How to use this medicine
This medicine contains one component only.
Component :
- Injection, solution
- Intramuscular
- A yellow to orange clear solution in a glass vial
Storage conditions
- Store below 25 degrees Celsius
- Protect from Light
- Shelf lifetime is 2 Years.
Do I need a prescription ?
These medicine packs are available from a pharmacist and requires a prescription. It is
- 1 vial pack
Is this medicine subsidised ?
This medicine was verified as being available on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) on February, 1 2025. To learn more about this subsidy, visit the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) website.
Pregnant or planning a pregnancy ?
For the active ingredient methotrexate
You should seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist about taking this medicine. They can help you balance the risks and the benefits of this medicine during pregnancy.
Reporting side effects
You can help ensure medicines are safe by reporting the side effects you experience.
You can report side effects to your doctor, or directly at
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