The Audiology Unit provides a comprehensive evaluation of hearing. We test babies and toddlers, school age children and teenagers and work closely with the Department of ENT Surgery. We specialise in the assessment of children under 5 years of age who have a suspected hearing loss, a speech and language delay or disorder, an 'at risk' history for hearing loss, a developmental delay or other disability, behavioural or learning disorder. See website links for further information.
We provide an Audiology service for Paediatric Inpatients and for Paediatric Outpatient clinics, as well as for other specialised clinics in the Hospital. We also accept outside referrals - a written referral from Medical/Allied Health specialists, posted or faxed to the Department.
Located on the first floor, Rogerson Building, Paediatric Outpatients Area 3.
We provide services to children with severe to profound hearing loss who may be suitable for cochlear implantation. This includes close liaison with the ENT Department, Speech Pathology, Australian Hearing, and Educational Facilities. We provide long term management, programming (MAPping) of the Cochlear Implant, and post-operative evaluation.