MSWA provides supports and services to people in Wa with Multiple Schlerosis, their families and carers. MSWA provides supports and services to people in Wa with Multiple Schlerosis, their families and carers. Services include Physiotherapy and massage, occupational therapy, social work,advocacy, councelling, community and hospital liason nursing, case co-ordination, and funding applications for equiptment and care. I addition to providig these services in Wilson, Outreach Groups/ services exist in Beechboro, Rockingham, Wangara, Bunbury and Albany, health professionals visit regional areas. MSWA has 2 respite homes and 3 high support accomodation facilities. In addition we provide in home supports and care and assistance with accessing the community. MSWA supporet people with other neurological conditions under specific programs. The Societ funds for research into the cause, treatments and a cure for MS and helath progfessionals and the connunity about MS and its effects. MSWA supports placements for nursing, medical and allied healthstudents. Business Hours: 0830-1730 Mon-Fri at Wilson; 24 hour supports at respite and accommodation