If you urgently need help contact the Psychiatric Team at your nearest hospital or alternatively contact your doctor. If you urgently need to speak to someone out of hours call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Open 24 hours. Information about mental illness, treatments and support is available on SANE Factsheets, plus publications and videos for people living with a mental illness, carers, professionals and students, or more specific information and referral to support agencies (it is not a counselling service). See website links for further information: EntryProcedures SANE Australia provides a Helpline service on Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. Free Infopack can be requested 24 hours. The Helpline provides information and a referral only. It's free and confidential. Use Helpline Online to ask questions about mental illness and related topics. Enquiries are usually answered within 3 working days.