The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) is a multi disciplinary team of health professionals who provide a thorough assessment of older people with complex care needs and offer advice on suitable and available care options. The role of ACAT is to assess people in their own homes to determine the best care options for them. ACATs can provide referrals to local community services including the Home and Community Care (HACC) program. ACATs can provide approval for and referral to, Community Aged Care Packages (CACP) designed for people with low level (hostel) care needs. Exteded Aged Care in Home Packages EACH and Dementia EACh designed for people with high needs. This is a package of co-ordinated care services delivered in the home. ACATs can approve nursing home or hostel type care, and help arrange a place in a suitable facility, as well as for respite for carers. Assessments are valid across Australia for 12 months.