If you live in country SA please phone Pt Augusta hospital to find an AMIC worker near you. 8648 5500. Your midwife and AMIC worker will get to know you and your family to support a positive pregnancy and birthing experience. You will be provided with culturally sensitive information, resources and support for your health and well-being. Contact an AMIC worker at Women's and Children's Hospital, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Flinders Medical Centre, Nunkuwarrin Yunti or Port Augusta hospital. See our website links for further information available: EntryProcedures The Program is available for any Aboriginal women who are pregnant. Come and talk to one of the AMIC workers to find out if you are eligible.: WaitingListDetails As part of the Program, you will be cared for by a group of Midwives and one Aboriginal and Maternal Infant Care (AMIC) Worker throughout your pregnancy, labour, birth and after your baby is born