In Home Respite Care
The Commonwealth Home Support Program aims provide entry-level support to those caring for frail, older people 65 years and over (50 years and over for Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander people) to maintain care relationships between carers and those they care for by providing quality respite care so regular carers can take a break. The carer may or may not be present during the service delivery.
Flexible respite includes: In home day respite - provides a daytime support service for carers of clients needing assisted support in the carers or clients home.
Other planned respite - innovative types of service delivery to clients including overnight respite or sleepovers in the clients or carers home.
Services are structured in a way that allows them to be as responsive as possible to requests from carers for short-term or non-ongoing respite, this includes respite or services in the event of an emergency where the carer is sick or not available and cannot provide their usual support.