Cardiac Rehabilitation commences in the inpatient setting where a cardiac rehabilitation registered nurse visits all patients who have had a cardiac event, including acute myocardial infarct, stents, coronary artery disease for medical management, heart failure and Cardiomyopathy.
The initial visit involves education re basic heart anatomy, information about their diagnosis, reassurance about returning to normal activities, risk factor management, self management principles, medications and importance of follow up with general practitioner and specialist on discharge.
Two weeks post cardiac event the client is reviewed clinically in the Cardiology department by the registered nurse and risk factor management and education is reinforced. The need for referrals to multi disciplinary team is common at this assessment.
The client is commenced in the Cardiac Rehabilitation program at three weeks post event. The program is a six week program attending twice-weekly involving exercise and education. This program is held at the exercise rehabilitation gym building three level one, near the Physiotherapy Department.The program also delivers the pre and post operative education of all cardiac surgical clients. This involves a group or one to one education session prior to surgery and also before discharging from hospital