The Community Care Program provides multidisciplinary services in the community setting. Services are available to residents of the ACT. Eligibility criteria apply and information can be obtained through the Community Health Intake.
Community Nursing:
- Community based clinical nursing services including wound, catheter and drain management, palliative care, medication administration and education.
- Specialist wound, stoma, and catheter services.
- Services are usually delivered in health centre clinics in the first instance unless Community Nursing deem that a home visit is required.
- Ambulatory clinics operate Monday to Friday in all health centres except Dickson with limited services operating from some Community Health Centres at weekends, bookings required.
- Link Team provides after hours community nursing services, including palliative care to patients overnight.
Continence Service:
- Continence services are available to clients who are experiencing bladder, bowel and/or pelvic floor dysfunction. This is not an acute service. Continence services are provided by Community Care Physiotherapy and Community Nursing and the Community Health Intake (CHI) can assist with directing referrals to the most appropriate service. The service includes the assessment, advice and management of most types of bladder and bowel dysfunctions and incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain, provision of advice regarding funding options for continence aids, and advice regarding a variety of continence aids and appliances in adults.
For more information please call the Community Health Intake (CHI) line on (02) 6207 9977.
Note: Gazetted fees and charges may apply for some items.