The program is a referral pathway and education program designed to divert young people away from the criminal justice system.
When police detect a young person under the age of 18 years either in possession of, under the influence of or consuming alcohol they offer them the education session as an alternative to an official police caution or an infringement notice.
The education session uses a harm minimisation approach to educate and inform young people (and their parents or guardians) about the harms associated with alcohol and ways to reduce these harms, as well as the supports and services available to assist people who have a problem with alcohol use.
This program covers the Mt Alexander and Macedon Ranges Shires in partnership with Victoria Police. The project was originally funded by the Victorian Law Enforcement Drug Fund & the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation.
The program education session is also open to parents or young people, who have not been referred via police, wanting assistance with information regarding alcohol use.