At Uniting AgeWell (UA) we believe older people, like people of all ages, want to live in an environment of choice, empowerment and wellness, able to access support and care as they choose. UA Southern Tasmania offers a wide range of services to enable older people to remain active and independent, and living in their own communities, including Home Care Packages, Centre-based Respite for Home and Community and National Respite for Carers.
Our highly skilled team works closely with individuals and groups to help them achieve their personal goals.
The Cottage Club operates Monday to Thursday and Saturday fortnightly. A specific Men's Group and a Friday outreach program is held at the Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre, providing opportunities to meet new friends, try various activities, and give carers a break from their caring role. Clients are able to participate in recreational, social and cultural activities of their choice.To find out more, contact the UA Team on (03) 6282 1150.