Services include; Aged Care, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Services, Antenatal Clinic, Child Protection and Family Services, Diabetes Clinic, Dietician Services, Nephrology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Occupational Therapy, Paediatric Clinic, Pain Management Clinic, Palliative Care, Pathology, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Rehabilitation Clinic, Social Work, Speech Pathology and Surgical Services
Hospital & Community Health Services - Acute Medical and Surgical; Accident and emergency; Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Operating Theatres services; Aged Care Assessment and Restorative Care Services & Transition care; Palliative Care; Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug; Allied Health including Speech Pathology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy; Oral Health; Pathology; Radiography; Pharmacy and clinical support services; Renal Dialysis - Satellite service of Cairns Base Hospital; Chemotherapy; Specialist clinics; Outpatient Clinic - Antenatal and antenatal classes; Obstetric occasions eg, CTG monitoring, neonatal screening; Wound Management / Dressing clinic; Anaesthetic clinic; Diabetes foot clinic; Visiting Specialist Services / Outreach Services - Gynaecological FROGS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology clinic) every 6 weeks; Surgical - once per month; Vascular Surgeon - once per month; Gastroenterologist - once per month; Paediatric Services - once per month; Consultant physician - once very six to eight weeks; Foot clinic - 1 day per fortnight; Community Health / Community Mental Health - School/Child Health Screening & Immunisation Clinics; Parent Education; Palliative Care; Aged Care Assessment; Cardiac Rehabilitation; Drug and Alcohol services; Mental Health Promotion; Multicultural Mental Health; Community Mental Health- Adult and Child & Adolescent; Dental Clinic; Diabetic Education; HACC Assessment; Home Help; School Based Youth Health; Primary School Based Youth Health; Health Promotion; Continence Assessment; Occupational therapy; Visiting Community Health - Visiting Psychologist - weekly; Community Rehabilitation Service - weekly.