The service offers support, education and community liaison to patients, families, general practitioners and other healthcare professionals.
Co-ordinator: Ms Sue Casanelia
The Respiratory Outreach Program provides services to patients admitted with asthma and COPD to hospital, patients are visited and provided with information and educational material about their condition. This includes discussions about smoking cessation, vaccination recommendations, available exercise programs, use of action plans and advice re correct use of prescribed medications and inhaler devices. Within 3 days of discharge from hospital, they will be reviewed by telephone to check on their progress.
A special hotline (Phone number 8345 6804) is in place to enable recently discharged patients with respiratory conditions to ring and talk to a respiratory nurse if they have any questions regarding their health. The nurse will assess the patient's requirements and implement interventions as required such as suggesting the patient visit their general practitioner, come to the Emergency Department, or seek social work assistance.