A Social Worker is available to assist people with issues affecting their lives.
This may be through:
-- Counselling:
This service offers the opportunity to talk through issues and ideas, and deal with feelings and experiences which may be causing difficulties.
-- Groups:
Sometimes people prefer to be involved in groups to help with specific issues such as anxiety and depression, assertiveness and self esteem, grief and loss, family violence, post natal depression and personal development.
-- Advocacy:
Provide verbal, written or personal support for Court proceedings, housing bodies, Department of Human Services, Centrelink, schools and other health and welfare organisations.
-- Resources:
We have available an extensive range of written material relating to a wide range of topics in the health and welfare fields.
-- Community Education:
We can provide information, workshops, education sessions and short courses on a wide range of topics to; schools, workplaces, community groups and professional organisations.
-- Worker and student supervision:
Including professional development for workers & supervision of field placements for students.The Social Worker is available, by appointment, at the Centre, in the home or at Ararat.
No fees apply
Area Serviced
Elmhurst, Warrack, Landsborough, Crowlands, Amphitheatre & surrounding districts
Initial Contact
Centre Manager
Additional Information
9.00 am - 5.00 pm, Mon - Fri, for inquiries & appointments