42 Bed Dementia Specific Low Level Residential Aged Care Home. Facility has single rooms with either own ensuite or shared facilities. A Day Center is located within the same building.
Interested or prospective clients should contact the Grampians Aged Care Assessment Service at 102 Ascot St South, Ballarat, Ph: 03 5320 3740. This service is responsible for assessing clients and providing approval for entry into aged care residential facilities.
To be placed on the waiting list, clients need to contact Liz Sayers on 03 53203620.
Jessie Gillett Court Hostel is located in Morgan St, Ballarat. The facility manager is Kay Wheeler, Ph:03 5335 0530.
To gain information about fees, phone Liz Sayers on 03 5320 3620 or visit the Health and Aged Care website on the Internet at www.ageing.health.gov.au
Area Serviced
Central Highlands
Initial Contact
Elizabeth Sayers, Ph: 03 5320 3620 FAx: 03 5320 3632
Email: lizb@bhs.org.au
Additional Information
Hostel: Ph: 03 5335 0526 FAX: 03 5335 0501 ttp: